Update on my slow miniature 70s Hi-Fi model!
Small Progress on a Small Project!
Thought it was about time I did an update on my 1/6th scale model AKAI reel-to-reel tape deck model. And to say it's going slowly is putting it mildly...
One thing I am finding is that, these days, I can only take just so much concentration on very small model making before I mentally exhaust myself AND my poor eyes. 😄
I am having to break up my sessions making this scratch build into manageable chunks and take breaks away from it. I really feel it's quite intense.
I'm a Control Freak!
The crux of my current work on the project is making the teeny-tiny control knobs, switches and doo-dads that go onto the front control panel...
I'm making most of these little controls out of styrene rods, some as small a 1mm diameter so my eyes are a popping after just five minutes work. Assembling one small piece of plastic rod onto the top of another small piece of rod is not a good time to get my wobbly had issue... But I do! And then to cursing session ensues! 😡
But I am enjoying this work and am getting a real sense of achievement when I complete a tiny control piece.
I'm just taking my time and trying not to think about just how many controls there are to make - it's all about the knob or doo-dad that I'm working on at that moment. And each completed component ends with a great big sigh of relief. 😄
I won't go into every sib-component I've made, but here's a little movie of one of the less complicated parts. As you can see, it's not so much the number of parts or their difficulty that's causing me the problems, but mainly just not dropping the damn things!
Anyway, this is going to be a LONG project - but I'll post an update as I move onto a noteworthy part of the construction...
Oi! My poor eyes! 😫
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