They say variety is the spice of life. Well, I got spicey!
Probably Too Much...
My production rate is feeble. It takes me ages to complete any of my projects and I can really go on blaming my health issues for that as I am making some good improvements in that area.
No, my main problem is my goldfish-like attention span. I just jump from one project idea to another before completing the last job! And as a consequence, I end up with a workbench strewn with half-made jobs.
Yesterday was my attempt to clear some of the back-log. My goal is to - eventually - clear the current army of model projects so I can start from fresh with just ONE project and concentrate solely on that - from start to finish. Big words, we shall see though...
Juggling Projects
Aside from the fact that my multiple ongoing projects have caused a bit of a major 'completion bottleneck', I am also finding that I am loosing track of what I am trying to record. I have a suspicion now that I have missed out on taking pictures or recoding videos of my processes. Another good reason to reset my approach to model making and concentrate on one thing at a time.
So, I tried to conscientiously work through the clutter and set-up some of my ongoing projects for completion. I estimate that I have at least three jobs near to 70% complete so within reach of finishing in the near future... Hoorah!
Among these are....
My N Gauge Rural Japanese Railway Station.
Yep, this one goes back quite some way, but to be fair it was the trepidations abut my ability to use a paint brush that caused me to cringe away from dealing with this last process. But, I grabbed the bull by the horns and actually spent a good bit of my session doing some weathering of the building...
I was actually quite please with myself, even though - this being my first model building attempt at this scale - I feel that I would have done things slightly differently now. And I have already put into effect some of these changes for the second of my building models - the rural gas station.
Talking of which...
My Rural Japanese Gas Station...
At one point this later building project was in danger of overtaking my railway station as I got better at model construction. But I've demoted my attention to this model so I do get my railways station finished first.
That said, I can't help myself but chip away at this model as it has the extra attraction of having interior sections to model. In particular, I have been caught up with the making of the garage section with all it's tiny mechanics accessories!
It took me a while to decide how to go about constructing this - do I glue everything in THEN paint it all or paint everything separately THEN glue everything together?
I finally plumped for adding models of the tools - gluing them down - and then painting all this but THEN painting the mechanic figure separately and adding that at the end. This is because painting the figure would be far too fiddly were it in place among all the other clutter in the garage!
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Above: A minor related job is my Japanese vending machine models. These will sit outside the gas station. I just added the printed 'contents' of the machines. |
The accompanying convenience store interior will be - by comparison - quite an easy job.
Even More Model Vehicles...But They Are Improving!
This is my main obsession at the moment as it not only involved 3D printing and the painting of the tiny models by has an interesting design element as I use TINKERCAD to create my own 3D models for printing.
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Above: I'm starting to get a bit ambitious with my designs! 😄 |
I'm still in the learning mode and am constantly correcting my models as they come off the printer, but I' getting there. In fact, I'd say that I'm nearly at the point where I *think* I have decided on the process that produced 'the best' model design that prints out with adequate detail.
My latest designs are close to that magic formula - the balance between simplicity and levels of detail - where I am happy to start banging out collections of vehicles as I need them. (I'm working on a collection of 1960s era British vehicles for my brother.)
When I'm completely happy I may even upload my collections to THIGYVERSE as my very first distributed 3D work. I'll be chuffed if I manage that.
Gunpla! (No, not a Klingon greeting!)
Now, here's a project that has been languishing on the back burner for quite some time - my Bandai HG RX-78-2 Revive Gundam suit!
Boy! That should've been finished ages ago, the whole idea behind this kit was that it was supposed to be a 'quick build'! 😂
So I dusted of the box and completed one of the large main component sections... The legs!
I had forgotten just how amazing the mechanics of this model were. The fully articulated legs - all moving joints - look fairly simple but they are actually quite intricate.
Just a couple of main components left and that'll be it for this one. Phew!
And That Was Wednesday!
Well, fairly productive day... I mean I did do other stuff as well - including housework and I even had a bit of a Dad Knap at one point - the main bugbear of the day was my make-ship window blind falling off constantly! (My attic man-cave now has huge windows in, which is all well and good except that it's just so bleedin' bright up there AND we didn't buy the proper Velux blinds when the windows were put in. So I am having to have this constant fight with the sun!)
Anyway, several things done and moved a few projects closer to completion so.... Well done me.
Keep this up and I may actually get back on schedule withing the next couple of weeks! Whoo-hoo!
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