Well, bumfluff! I had planned a bit of a holiday from my hobby projects (we went off to the Lake District) but now I'm having to have a enforced break from any projects that need work space to undertake. [I've now also been banned from the dinning room table as Sharon is doing her summer teaching work there.]
So, my options have shrunk to what I can do on my lap in the front room. 😒
...AND - unfortunately - all my drawing materials are packed away under dust sheets in the attic so that further narrows my options down. Ho-hum.
I am reinstalling 7 Days to Die on my laptop and dusting off my Call of Cthulhu Starter Set (which has a solo scenario), but blogging idea may be a bit thin of the ground until the builders are finished. I've been given a rough estimate of 'around two weeks', but even then there will be a period of cleaning up, redecorating and then re-setting up my work benches so I'm a bit scuppered for a while.
I'll have to think up some blog posts that are just based on some ramblings that I've been thinking of doing for a while. We shall see. 😟
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