Summer Garden Prep Versus Hobby Projects!

It that time of year! The sun is starting to show it's face and that means the wife wants the garden cleaned up ready for BBQ season!

Well, that's all well and good - I love a BBQ - but that's additional little jobs that jostles for attention with the other hobby stuff I have going one. One major one is the breaking down of our old - long serving - drum BBQ in favour of a fancy new gas BBQ the wife bought.

There are a plethora of little house and garden jobs she wants doing PLUS I have some little jobs that have been hanging around for a friend... SO, I'm pretty busy.

Above: Repairing a friend's broken ornament. It's funny the sort
of things people ask you to do if they know you are a modeller!

Competing For My Time!

So, obstacles preventing me from getting on with my projects aside, what am I doing for me?

The 'big' (ish) job at the moment is making a set of N Gauge timber yard rolling stock for my layout. This includes the construction of a few flat car wagons and the making of some model tree logs.

This has been a really fun project as I enjoy trying to recreate natural landscape objects, I never get enough practise and end up having to relearn painting techniques over again. But the tree logs were simple enough and I think I am making a decent enough job of them...

An aside for this project is me looking around the internet to see if I can find N Scale saw mill buildings and equipment, as I have to start planning the yard which these wagons will serve. I came across a nice little laser cut model by MMR Models of the saw cutting hut itself which includes a nice recreation of the cutting table and saw... (Will be on next months shopping list!)

I'll also be on the look out for any vehicles - like fork lifts and cranes - for the yard.

Detective Photographic Vignette Project

Something I've been planning for a while is a photographic project where I set up a fictional 1940s Noir detective's desk for a 'still life' shoot. Kinda like a pulp novel book jacket design.

A big part of this is my making a many of the props for the display as I can and I've already completed the first item, as recreation of a vintage .38 Special bullet carton including dummy bullets!

I'm rather pleased with the job I made of this prop and really enjoyed printing and constructing the box. Of course, this is meant to accompany a detective's revolver as the centrepiece of the display and I'm already part way towards 3D printing this prop...

Other prop ideas would be things like a half empty bottle of bourbon, a packet of vintage cigarette with a smoking cigarette in an ashtray and a collection of period appropriate documents.

And Chipping Away At...

Finally, a long term project is the wonderful model of a Japanese Takoyaki shop that my daughter got me for Christmas. This is very detailed and intricate and is taking me some time to complete all the plethora of tiny items that goes into the shop - even before I start constructing the shop building itself!

So, as I say, I just chip away at the construction of these parts between other projects. This week I made some sushi and shichimi. LOL ....

Of course, there are other small bits and bobs, but that's some of the main things that are on teh workbench at the moment!

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